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Sorry, these are all OLD NEWS. Hope to find time to update this page soon.

March 11-21, 2016: 

"Elements of Joy", solo exhibtion in Kassel, Germany.

(Free entry)


What have such diverse elements as dance, food, water, wine, horses, travel and more in common? - They can be elements of joy for someone - essential expressions of the joy of living. 

Was haben so unterschiedliche Elemente wie Tanz, Essen, Wasser, Wein, Pferde, Reisen, usw. gemeinsam? - Sie können für jemanden Elemente der Freude sein, wesentliche Ausdrücke der Lebensfreude.


This joy of living sparkles through Maria Billings' textile art. Exhibited from March 11 to March 21, 2016, at Meyerrose, daily from 3 pm to 10 pm.

Diese Lebensfreude glänzt in der Textilkunst von Maria Billings. Ausgestellt vom 11. März  bis zum 21. März 2016 bei Meyerose, täglich von 15:00 bis 22:00 Uhr.


Eingang: Hinter der Komödie 14
Postanschrift: Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 35
34117 Kassel

Tel: +49.05 61-77 48 72

"Self-Portrait as Bride" is featured in the SAQA Journal 2016-01

"Generosity" is exhibited with "Soul Foods" here at the Visions Art Museum, San Diego.

My quilt “Water Wave” is also included in the “Strata” exhibition, organized by SAQA, at the Harrington Gallery at 4444 Railroad Avenue, Pleasanton, November 12- December 16, 2015.

This is the quilt that received over 1,000 Facebook "likes" in just 2 days (mainly from being included in the magazine Quilters World).

"Water Wave" is exhibited here at the Visions Art Museum, San Diego.

© 2012 - 2024 by Maria Billings

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