101 Threads of my Life
Each of these 101 threads is representing a year of my life (years in Europe, years in California): many I have already lived and others I'm hoping for. It was a meditative experience, to hand-stich so many threads - symbolizing the threads of my bi-cultural life.

The piece started with grey felt in the back, black in the center front, and white felt at the sides. Cheesecloth and felt create the underlying geometric forms that end in two vanishing points.

Working from the outside in, as well as from the center out. The threads are about 44-inches long. Loose knots keep them organized.

After the vertical stitching is done, it's time to untie the threads.

Hand-quilting the threads really is a meditative experience.

Have a look at the details, the "rainbow" of my life, from left to right:
Blue-green threads:

Center: green - white - yellow:

Red, from yellow to purple, happy colors: